Ryan Gosling almost saved jazz on 'SNL' until Emma Stone showed up


Ryan Gosling saving jazz in La La Land is inarguably the Oscar-winning film's greatest legacy, and certainly one of Gosling's — thanks to him we have jazz, because he saved it — and Gosling used his Saturday Night Live season-premiere monologue to remind us of his jazz-saving.

But like every jazz-savior's tale, this one ended in a blue-note twist.

"I was like, me? Ryan Gosling, a white kid from Canada, I saved jazz?," Gosling said, before taking a turn at the piano to keep saving jazz, and further saving jazz by jazz-splaining jazz to the jazz musicians playing jazz behind him. Read more...

More about Television, Snl, Saturday Night Live, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Stone

from Mashable http://mashable.com/2017/10/01/ryan-gosling-saved-jazz-snl-saturday-night-live-monologue/?utm_campaign=Mash-Prod-RSS-Feedburner-All-Partial&utm_cid=Mash-Prod-RSS-Feedburner-All-Partial


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