Melania Trump Has Defended Her Controversial White House Holiday Blood Trees

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Eleanor Roosevelt fought for civil rights. So did Abigail Adams, wife of John Quincy; she also called for an end to slavery. Sara Polk helped out with her husband James K.’ speeches. Hillary Clinton nearly got us universal healthcare and later even won the popular vote in a presidential election. Michelle Obama preached healthy eating. So far what is Melania Trump’s legacy as FLOTUS? Horrifying, blood-curdling, primal scream-inducing holiday trees that give the illusion that the White House is populated by deadly predators.

The president’s better half is no stranger to controversy, or at least mockery, from her inexplicable “I really don’t care do u?” jacket to dressing like an Indiana Jones villain while in Africa. Now Melania’s being called out once more for her holiday stylings, namely for installing at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. a forest of crimson red trees that look like they were taken from the game Doom.

It’s Melania’s second creepy holiday tree to-do since her spouse took office. Last year she decked the halls with bare black and white death trees that resembled a Grimms fairy tale adapted by Edward Gorey.

But you know who likes Melania’s trees? Melania. As per HuffPo, the First Lady enjoys her decorative taste, which has been said by some to be reminiscent of The Handmaid’s Tale, the dystopia her husband’s staff may very well bring about.

“We are in 21st century, and everybody has a different taste,” Melania averred. “I think they look fantastic. In real life, they look even more beautiful.”

So go visit the White House and see them in person, if you dare. But beware the blood trees, for inside dwell ravenous chimeras, ready to tear apart anyone who believes in a free press or who has crippling student debt.

Anyway, Melania is sort of out-numbered when it comes to takes on Melania’s holiday decor.

(Via HuffPo)



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