10 movies we can't wait for in 2019


2018 was a whirlwind, but we still got some epic movies out of the madness. 

2019 promises the same, with pivotal sequels, live-action reboots, books adapted for the screen – and new, original movies that might just blow us away.

Here are the top 10 movies we're looking forward to in 2019.

1Us - March 15

Watch yourselfpic.twitter.com/6Wg859TK0r

— Jordan Peele (@JordanPeele) December 13, 2018

Starring Lupita Nyong’o and Winston Duke, Us is the story of a couple visiting a childhood home – but in true Peele fashion, it's also a psychological thriller, a monster movie, and probably a welcome subversion of the horror genre. Read more...

More about Entertainment, Us, Movies, Jordan Peele, and The Lion King

from Mashable https://mashable.com/article/most-anticipated-movies-2019/


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