Joe Biden Said ‘Malarkey’ At The Second Democrat Debate And People Online Lost It

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Joe Biden is a politician from an older time, and he sometimes busts out words that were rooted out of the common English language vernacular two, maybe three generations ago. Indeed, he may be one of three people alive who regularly use the word “malarkey.” So when Biden whipped out a “malarkey” during the second round of Democrat debates (after the other one from last night), it was Kansas finally getting to “Carry On Wayward Son” at a concert in 2019.
“Malarkey,” of course, is another word for “balderdash” or “poppycock” or “rawmaish.” It means nonsense, and, for Biden likes to use it. A lot.
Indeed, “malarkey” was the only word Biden felt would do when his health plan was challenged by his fellow presidential candidates. He was breaking down the math on others’ plans, which he claims don’t add up. “This idea is a bunch of malarkey,” he said, to oceans of woots, both in the auditorium and online.
Biden defends Obamacare: "This idea is a bunch of malarkey, what we're talking about here" #DemDebate
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) August 1, 2019
Some were stoked.
Me: Say the line!
— Ryan Cooper
(@TheCoopStoop) August 1, 2019
Make Malarkey Hip Again!!
— Cheesehead Lucy (@cheeseheadlucy) August 1, 2019
— John Heilemann (@jheil) August 1, 2019
everyone drink
— Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) August 1, 2019
Joe Biden's famous malarkey is back.
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) August 1, 2019
i'm taking a drink every time someone tweets "malarkey. drink!" and i'm not going to survive the debate
— Ariel Edwards-Levy (@aedwardslevy) August 1, 2019
Of course, some mocked Biden’s word choice.
"y'all woke me up for this?" – the word 'malarkey'
— JuanPa (@jpbrammer) August 1, 2019
Malarkey. Finally a word from my childhood.
— Dan Rather (@DanRather) August 1, 2019
first of all what the hell is malarkey
— hunter harris (@hunteryharris) August 1, 2019
I think Joe Biden should say “malarkey” more often. Along with “bingle-bangle” and “poppycock” #DemDebate
— elias toufexis (@EliasToufexis) August 1, 2019
I had “malarkey” in my debate drinking game but decided against it. Darn.
— Bret Baier (@BretBaier) August 1, 2019
live look at the intern who told biden not to say “malarkey” for any reason during the debate:
— lizzie (@elizabethque) August 1, 2019’s Twitter feed even sent a well-time and helpful note.
Malarkey is "speech or writing designed to obscure, mislead, or impress." It's also just plain fun to say, isn't it?
— (@Dictionarycom) August 1, 2019
Some grouped out Biden’s word choice with Cory Booker’s casual dropping of the word “s*ithole” to mock the president they all hope to replace.
If you have the words "shithole" and "malarkey" on your card, you almost have Bingo.#DemDebate2
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) August 1, 2019
If you have the words "shithole" and "malarkey" on your card, you almost have Bingo.#DemDebate2
— Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) August 1, 2019
Though some used Biden’s word against him.
$1,000 deductible, Biden, is malarkey for most Americans.
— Nomiki Konst
(@NomikiKonst) August 1, 2019
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