As the FDA continues to investigate what, exactly, it is in vape juice that’s making people sick (and just what’s in vape juice, at all, in general), NBC News went ahead and commissioned some testing of its own . The outlet had a cannabis testing facility take a look at the contents of 18 different THC cartridges, some purchased from dispensaries and others from “black market” sources. The vast majority of the carts from illicit sources were found to contain pesticides; vitamin E (a suspected culprit of the mystery vaping illnesses); and myclobutanil, which turns to hydrogen cyanide when burned. "You certainly don’t want to be smoking cyanide," Antonio Frazier, the vice president of operations at the testing facility, CannaSafe, told NBC. "I don’t think anyone would buy a cart that was labeled hydrogen cyanide on it." Yeah, of course not. The word “CYANIDE” printed in big letters across the side of an e-cig cartridge would, I hope, freak most people out. But, most