Your March Gardening To-Do List Is Here

Get tips to care for your peonies.
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HGTV Gardens + Outdoor
Your March Gardening To-Do List
Your March Gardening To-Do List
Spring is just over the horizon. These tasks will make sure your garden is ready.
See What We're Doing This Month
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10 Winter-Friendly Plants for Your Outdoor Space
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Top Tips for Peonies
Top Tips for Peonies
Find out how to plant, grow and care for these beautiful early spring blooms.
Get Our Expert Advice
Create the Perfect Outdoor Space for Spring
<center>36 Backyard Pergola + Gazebo Design Ideas
36 Backyard Pergola + Gazebo Design Ideas
<center>How to Build a Fire Pit in an Afternoon
How to Build a Fire Pit in an Afternoon
Are Your Valentine's Flowers Looking Sad?
Are Your Valentine's Flowers Looking Sad?
Get the best ways to preserve those gorgeous blooms.
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