Lifeword Newsletter - March 2024

Ministry Updates

Please join our US Lifeword Staff in praying for the following:

- Pray for FOLLOW and that the Lord will use this resource to bring many lost people to know Him and saved people to a closer relationship with Him.

- Pray for Bro. Ivan Filippini. He and his family are moving from Paraguay to Bolivia to start a new church plant. There are 30 languages spoken in the area he is moving to that he hopes to create partnerships with for Lifeword broadcasts.

- Pray for Bro. Joe Costa and his team in Lebanon. They are beginning two new online media initiatives; one to target atheists in their area and the other to target Muslims.

- Pray for Bro. Bogdon Bilav in Romania. They are getting ready to launch a TikTok initiative in their area.

Yalanda Merrell

Director of Audience Engagement

P.O. Box 6

Conway, AR 72033

Topic: Online Culture

In 1994, hosts on the Today Show were asking the question “What is the internet?” It was so new to the general public that no one really knew the capabilities of the world wide web. And now, 30 years later, it’s developed its own culture, one that is unique and diverse in every way possible. It’s shaped the way we do business, communicate, advertise, and where we get our information. It’s where the people are. Everyone has access to the internet and it’s where we go for everything. Who uses a handheld dictionary or encyclopedia anymore when you can tap a few words into Google and have your answer in seconds? From song lyrics, to vacation plans, to answers to the tough questions in life, the bottom line is, people are going to the internet for answers.


And if it’s where the people are, then that’s where the gospel needs to go, too.


At Lifeword, we’ve created a digital discipleship tool to introduce people to what it means to be a follower of Christ, show them what it looks like to follow Him daily, and connect them to a local discipling church. FOLLOW is an easy to use tool that allows someone to learn about Jesus on their own, with a group, or can even be used by a church to walk someone through the journey of discipleship.

When we began dreaming about what FOLLOW would look like, how it could be used, and who it would reach, we knew there would be challenges. In this culture, people move on quickly. It’s said that you have to catch them or hook them within 3-7 seconds. That’s fast! What could we possibly say to them to get them to hear the gospel and learn how to follow Christ in that short of time? We start with where they are. 

They are online for a reason. They are searching for something, maybe answers to tough questions like “What happens when you die?” or “Why do bad things happen to good people?” or “How do I find true happiness?”. While the world has lots of answers, we can point them to the One true and living God that provides hope, healing, and peace, even when we don’t know all the answers. 

Do you want to know more about the online culture? Just ask your kids or your grandkids. It’s a place full of hurting people struggling with addiction, fear, doubt, worry, and suicide. It’s a culture that thrives on influencers and the amount of likes or subscribers you have. It’s fickle and those you consider your biggest fans can turn on you in a second, and the fall is fast, furious and unforgiving. God has given us a great opportunity to speak into their lives – to grab them by the virtual hand and walk with them, showing them the way to Jesus. To be a light in the darkness. To point them to truth in the midst of deep fakes and virtual reality. What an incredible time to be a part of God’s Great Commission, to take His name to the ends of the earth via the “information highway”. 

Will you pray with us for FOLLOW? That God would be glorified through every video watched, every article read, every button clicked, every conversation that takes place and every person who makes that decision to follow Jesus with their lives every day. And that more of our churches would join us to become disciple-makers. Go to to learn more.


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