đź’¬ Have Time for a Quick Update?

Smithsonian Institution
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Did you see my earlier email? I know we've asked for your support a lot lately, and I hope you'll read my update to understand why it's so important to stand up for your Smithsonian before the year ends.
  • In 1846, the Smithsonian was founded thanks to an English scientist named James Smithson who left his fortune to the United States to establish an institution "for the increase and diffusion of knowledge."
  • For 178 years, the Smithsonian has been a public-private partnership between the United States and supporters like you who share James Smithson's vision of discovering and sharing knowledge far and wide.
  • Now, the Smithsonian National Board has launched the 2024 Challenge Fund to partner with supporters to help the Smithsonian continue to grow and evolve in the year ahead.
  • By tomorrow, it's critical that we meet this $300,000 Challenge Fund goal to enable the Smithsonian to continue embarking on ambitious new research, tackling our world's greatest challenges, and reaching people no matter where they are with the power of inspiration, innovation, and discovery in 2025 and beyond.
Here's the bad news: We're not on pace to meet our goal unless a lot more curious, passionate folks stand up for knowledge before the year ends.

But here comes the good news: Smithsonian supporters are some of the most intrepid defenders of knowledge around. They recognize that the power of knowledge is amplified when it's shared and that our Smithsonian can only continue sparking the joy of discovery in ourselves and our loved ones when we all join together to celebrate and support it.

Looking for the best way to stand up for knowledge in 2025?
Support Your Smithsonian!

Because here's the truth: The Smithsonian of today that we all know, trust, and look to for answers only exists because previous generations treasured and stewarded it for us. The 2024 Challenge Fund is an investment in keeping the Smithsonian thriving, growing, and equipped to answer the biggest questions for generations to come.

That's why I hope you'll make your tax-deductible Challenge Fund gift before it's too late.

John Perell
Director, Friends of the Smithsonian

P.S. Donors to the Smithsonian have shared an extraordinary gift with the hundreds of millions of people who have looked to the Smithsonian for discovery, knowledge, and inspiration. And I hope you share our excitement about the magnificent discoveries we'll make in the year ahead enough to make your tax-deductible Challenge Fund gift before the deadline tomorrow.

--- Begin Forwarded Message ---

Support Your Smithsonian!

Dear Friend,

As the new year approaches, I'm reviewing some of the Smithsonian's ambitious plans for 2025, and I am once again inspired by the breadth and depth of what this incredible institution sets out to accomplish.

Each new year is a chance to discover and share knowledge with the world in bigger and bolder ways; to push the boundaries of art, history, science, and culture to continue asking – and answering – the biggest and most pressing questions facing us today.

How is the Smithsonian able to accomplish so much every year? Simple: caring, curious people like you.

When you give, your support powers every Smithsonian museum, educational program, and research initiative. These funds are critical to everything the Smithsonian does.

With less than 48 hours left to meet the $300,000 goal set by the Smithsonian National Board's leadership, we're still a bit short. But if even just a few more lifelong learners like you in each state step up right now with a year-end, tax-deductible gift, we can close this gap.

From sea to shining sea, Smithsonian supporters are stepping up with their Challenge Fund gifts
Lifelong learners from coast to coast are making their gifts now!

Your gift today will accomplish so much and impact so many.

The Smithsonian is powered by you, so what the Smithsonian accomplishes in 2025 depends on your support. Make your tax-deductible year-end gift now and help ensure the Smithsonian has the funds necessary to make next year the biggest yet!

John Perell
Director, Friends of the Smithsonian

P.S. – When you support the Smithsonian, the impact of your gift is felt by every Smithsonian museum, educational program, and research initiative. Help the Smithsonian reach our $300,000 Challenge Fund goal before the December 31 deadline by making your tax-deductible year-end gift today!

© 2024 Smithsonian Institution
1000 Jefferson Dr SW, Washington, DC 20560
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