Lifeword Monthly - January 2025

Featured Language: Burmese

Burmese is the national language of the country of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. Myanmar is a country that is known to be hostile to Christians. 88% of the country practice Buddhism and foreign Christian missionaries are not allowed to enter the country. Lifeword's partner in Myanmar works diligently to provide daily devotionals in his native language of Burmese to his fellow people groups in Myanmar. He does this work enthusiastically, despite the constant threat of persecution and hostility from the government and military in his country. Please be in prayer for our Burmese language content creator and that the Lord would continue to bless his work. (Name omitted for safety purposes.)

Remember to pray for the lost people in Myanmar. Go to to see some of our Burmese content.

Pray With Us

Please join our US Lifeword Staff in praying for the following:

-Pray for our Asia Pacific team as they continue installing new radio stations and expanding their internet broadcasts in their region.

-Pray for our team in the Middle East as they continue adding new programming to provide hope for the lost amidst the changing political climate there.

-Pray for FOLLOW translations: Spanish, Ukraine & Arabic

-Pray for new content reaching the English and Spanish speaking cultures

Join Donny Parrish, Executive Director of Lifeword, and Yalanda Merrell, Lifeword's Director of Audience Engagement, on Facebook Live every Monday and Thursday morning at 9:00 CT as we discuss current events in our association and in the world. Go to to join!

Interested in learning more about FOLLOW, Lifeword's online discipleship platform?

Click Here!

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What if a single word could transform your year, refocus your heart, and gently guide you closer to God’s promises? In this heartfelt reflection, I share how words—from scripture to whispered prayers—can anchor us in truth, offer hope, and create space for God to work in our lives. Ready to explore how choosing your word for 2025 can bring joy and clarity to your journey? Click to discover the inspiration, faith-filled focus, and practical encouragement waiting for you.

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ARTICLE: Saved for a Purpose

Ever wondered why you're still here, despite the choices and crazy situations that should’ve ended it all? In this reflection, I share how God saved Paul in a life-threatening moment and reveal the powerful purpose behind it. Click to discover how you, too, have a divine purpose waiting to unfold and how God is using every moment for His glory!

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VIDEO: Lori Cline's Greatest Hits: What Needs To Change This Year

Rather than focusing on perfection, we should pursue what is right and abide in God's grace.

Listen Now!

VIDEO: When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll...

God is able to shape the things we deal with, even the attacks of evil, for good.

Watch Now!


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